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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Have a Safety Plan for Your Business!

12/8/2021 (Permalink)

ERP SERVPRO.COM/Ready picture

Have a Safety Plan for Your Business!

Do you have an Emergency Ready Plan (ERP) in place? 


We have all heard the saying "Business As Usual". What happens when things don't go as planned? Let's say it is a Monday morning and you (as the shift manager) are going into work. You notice a massive puddle (expanding rapidly) which happened due to a pipe that burst. You immediately start to feel panic and start thinking of who to call first. You are looking through your phone, papers in your office and time is going by that you cannot afford. Where do you start? 

You remember that you have what is called an ERP from SERVPRO (an Emergency Ready Plan). You suddenly feel relief as all of your contacts are in this binder. You are able to call the plumber immediately and contact SERVPRO for water mitigation through the ERP mobile app. With SERVPRO's 1-4-8 response time guarantee, you now have peace of mind knowing that your business will be in good hands. HELP IS ON THE WAY! 

SO, What exactly is this ERP? To give a brief explanation, and Emergency Ready Plan is a plan that is put in place specifically for when emergency strikes. It is a binder that includes all of your contact information. Everything from the Manager and Owner contact, Plumbers, Sprinkler Fitters, insurance Company/Agent (and policy numbers), Water/Electric/Gas Accounts, Fire Dept, Police and Hospital Information, etc. These ERP's have descriptive pictures which helps you know ever part of your business. With access to our mobile app, you are able to take full advantage of this NO COST service. 

Contact us anytime for an appointment. Keep your business up and running with peace of mind and an action plan in place! We are in business so you can stay in business!

SERVPRO of Coeur d'Alene 208-457-1234 

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